Adventist Community Services

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To improve the lives of all people in our community through humanitarian service, both material and spiritual through the relief, economic development, systemic change, and community action. 


In 1874, ACS began as the "Dorcas and Benevolent Association" composed of women who provided clothes, food, and financial assistance to needy families. The organization was renamed and reshaped several times, until, in 1972, Adventist Community Services was born. 


Adventist Community Services believes in "holistic" ministry, which implies that all dimensions of a person, (spiritual, emotional, physical, mental, and social), are equal. The purpose of holistic ministry is proclaiming the Word of salvation, and demonstrating the love of God to those in need. 

Adventist Community Services


Chelli Ringstaff is the director for Adventist Community Services and Disaster Response. As a social worker by profession, she has combined  her love for serving communities with her love for spreading the gospel. Her goal is to empower leaders, volunteers, church members in Michigan to serve with a purpose. She believe that every soul helped is a soul to be reached for Jesus. Chelli loves to be with her husband of 25 years, Justin Ringstaff, and all 5 of their children, including two daughter in laws! She enjoys exercising and spending time with her two dogs, Gunner and Diesel. 




Judy Ringstaff is the Administrative Assistant for Adventist Community Services at the Michigan Conference. She is an experienced writer, and enjoys reading and spending time with her husband Enoch. 








Adventist Community Services provides an opportunity to reach out to the world as ambassadors for Christ and meet physical, mental, and emotional needs. We are told that “many have no faith in God and have lost confidence in man. But they appreciate acts of sympathy and helpfulness. As they see one with no inducement of earthly praise or compensation coming to their homes, ministering to the sick, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, comforting the sad, and tenderly pointing all to Him. . . their hearts are touched. . . They see that God cares for them, and as His Word is opened they are prepared to listen.” Medical Ministry, p. 247.

The Lord will bless you as you participate in this important outreach ministry of the church.


2025 Upcoming Calendar of Events


February 23: ACS Board Meeting, Zoom, 6:00 p.m. 

March 28-30: ACS Retreat 

June 13-21: Camp Meeting (ACS Seminars) (More information to come)